Family Constellations

Here are a few pieces of information you may need to understand the field of family constellations, as well as answers to many of your questions!

A good facilitator shows kindness and respects what emerges from the field. She does not offer her own point of view or her analysis of the situation, nor does she make a correlation or examination of the situation. It is based on the bodily perception of the participants.

She establishes a safe environment, guides the process, and promotes a respectful resolution of emerging problems, thereby maximizing the benefits and emotional safety of the participants.

« Family is not an important thing, it’s everything. »
— Michael J. Fox

What happens during a workshop?

Attending a family constellations workshop can be a deeply enlightening and often transformative experience. Whether you are new to the subject or want to learn more, here is a typical way to conduct a group family constellations workshop.

It is absolutely impossible to use a family constellations workshop for therapeutic or medical purposes. This is in no way shape or form a substitute for medical treatment. A good facilitator compiles factual information from the client’s history in order to identify recurring patterns.

Their mission is to listen, observe, and act solely on the basis of the representatives’ body impressions. They do not analyze, interpret, or speculate about the client’s past.

  • Greetings: Warm, welcoming words to set the space. The facilitator, specifically trained for family constellations, will explain the basics of the method and how family dynamics and generational traumas may influence our daily lives today. Setting the tone for the workshop ahead
  • Forming The Group: Participants join as they are, either interested in « holding the field » or being the person who is the client. The ones holding the field are called the representatives. To participate in a workshop doesn’t mean that you must represent when you are asked by the client. When asked, you may simply decline their request. The client will select another representative.
  • The issue: The facilitator may invite the client to briefly expose the situation or a question they want to address and clarify. It may concern blockages, relationships, health issues, recurring patterns, or any other aspects of life the client may experience.
  • The selection of representatives: The client is invited to select a person from the group present to represent family members or symbols that are significant to the issue presented. (a parent, grandparent, a house, a business, an emotion) The client places them in the « field, » forming what we call the « constellation. » A representative can always say « NO » when asked to represent.
  • The « Play »: The representatives take place; the process has already begun. Most of the time, the representatives are not aware of the details of the client’s life; however, they are encouraged to pay attention to their spontaneous sensations, emotions, movements and feeling. Often, the representatives feel emotions or impulses that seem strangely relevant to the client’s situation.The facilitator guides this exploration, questioning the representatives and inviting them to move or express what they are feeling. This process helps to reveal hidden dynamics, family loyalties, and transgenerational patterns.Since all our stories are connected, we are rarely « chosen » by chance. The vibrational frequency of the story resonating within us unconsciously calls the client to move toward us. This allows for liberation for the representative as well. A good facilitator acts with kindness and respect for what is manifesting in the field. They keep a neutral position at all times.
  • The Resolution: Ultimately, the goal of a constellation is to bring peace to a situation for the client. Finding other perspectives that would bring resolve and relief. This may be done with movements, restorative phrases, or repositioning the representatives to restore the harmony within the clan. The client feels the energetic and emotional shift taking place.
  • The Integration: Once the constellation is done, the facilitator guides the client towards integrating the new understandings, encourages them to make their own connections to the emotions and feelings in place, and may point to the new insights, always from a neutral point. The client is encouraged to draw their own conclusions, and other members of the group can be invited to share their feelings and emotions, creating a supportive environment.
  • The Closing: it may involve sharing a few words, dancing, or meditating. It is a space to share, connect, and contemplate. It is an amazing moment to welcome, share, and feel the emotions that are present and be supported by the collective.
  • The « After »: It is common to still feel the « aftermath » of a constellation after a workshop. Participants may feel emotional changes, shifts, and transformations occurring in their own lives. The facilitator may suggest rituals, coping exercises, or other tools welcoming those new perspectives. Self-kindness is key here.
  • Is it worth it? Family constellations are a self-introspecting voyage, quite powerful and often emotional. This is a safe space created to explore the depts of family dynamics and unchain the bullets preventing us from achieving our best lives. Ready to jump into a world of possibilities? You may find hidden truths; roads never travelled to liberation of your soul. Always with care and love.
  • Are there risks to doing a family constellation? Generally, when hosted by ethical and qualified facilitators, there are little to no risks. The role of the facilitator is to listen, observe, and act with the representative’s body reactions. Family constellations are used in spiritual and personal development, offering a possibility to explore family/business dynamics and conflict resolutions.

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