
My Mission

Promote the well-being of individuals and enable them to achieve a harmonious balance between body, heart and mind, so that they can fully achieve their potential and contribute positively to those around them through personalized support.

The freedom to choose YOUrself, to step out of your comfort zone, to create your life with intention.

My Story

After many years of searching for my own identity and embracing my vulnerability and sensitivity, I invested several thousands of dollars and spent several years working on myself and going to meet myself. Getting rid of the « chaos » in my head and around me, just led me to accompany others on the same journey!

I did a first certificate in helping relationships.

I am a certified coach in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Master practitioner in hypnosis. I also practice Lahochi.

I am passionate about rituals that do good. Aromatherapy, Ayurvedic medicine, the Native American medicine wheel. World cuisines and travel. In short, an epicurean!

Currently studying to become a Family Constellations Facilitator.


Freedom, Commitment, Pleasure, Communication, Security

PLEASURE: Working on yourself is sometimes simple, sometimes a challenge. A touch of humor, a touch of creativity without losing sight of the North.

FREEDOM : the power to choose yourself first, healthily.

ENGAGEMENT: the contract you make to yourself without judgment

COMMUNICATION: learn to express yourself better and listen to others

SAFETY : a caring and empathetic space to co-create together and lead you towards achieving your goal.

SELF-CONFIDENCE is established little by little, at the pace that suits you, when pleasure is there, when freedom allows you to make mistakes and start again as many times as possible, when commitment to yourself is essential, and when the opening of possibilities is one of the avenues that appears on the horizon, walking ahead becomes more and more secure and exciting.

Adsum, What’s That?

It’s my pledge to myself! It’s also a military term that means « I’m here now! »

First, I had to make a commitment to myself to create the life I want. Second, I make a commitment to you by accompanying you with kindness.

Find my own identity, connect to my inner compass and share my passions, my desires, my journey with you.

The bubbles represent the multiple facets that make us up with all its colors, its shadows, like a puzzle.

Why the bubbles and the brain?

Because it’s the best tool to find your way! We all have this compass inside us that guides our actions, and sometimes we just need a new perspective to get back on track.

For me, it’s the representation of who I am too. I have a very strong Cartesian side and an artistic, playful, and childish side that also has its place.

After all, the human is much more than his thoughts, his behavior, and his emotions, and knowing that there is a positive intention behind all that and knowing that everything is inside us, I intend to be able to accompany you with all my benevolence.


If you can’t, you must, and if you must, you can! – Tony Robbins

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